Me and my little sister.

Listening to: donnie darko
Feeling: good
well today i got to spend the day with my little sister and whatnot since i didn't have class or anything so we got up earlly and watched mr. rogers together and then barney and then we ate and went out on a bike ride. the pics of me and her didn't turn out good but the ones of her are good so i'll post um. this is what she looks like when she watches mr. rogers ha dang you can't get any cuter then that oh yeah she just turned five. she's such a big girl that is about it i had a great day and i got some new shoes and whatnot but i guess that doesn't matter. my favorite part was watching mr. rogers because it brings back memories lol i'll update later. LATER!
Read 42 comments
AWWWWWWW omg she is so adorable!!!! i love little children they are so fantastic.


aww that is so cute. i wish my big brother liked me enough to hang out with me.. :( haha. oh man mr rogers. i cant believe he is dead. how sad. rawr!
humm i thought you didnt go to school no more.. know it dangerous putting ur number on the internet!!!...hahha.. ill delete it
[Anonymous]'s cool...I've had someone here to go through everything with me...and we're really close...we have all the same friends and we hang out all the time...I would never want it any different!!
I wish you lived right next door...I would sneak into your room at night and fall aslepp cuddling you :)
there aren't many things as fun as acting like a little kid.
i'm the one in the middle...mayfourth
aw...that is so sweet...ur awesome...that is so caring that you would bring ur little sister and hang out with ur friends and drive her older bro hated drivin me around...he'd always get mad at me when my parents would tell him to...that's just sweet!!
you have a very cool diary and death cab is awesome!:)
your little sister is adorable! i wish i had a big brother like u. how lucky. ok well ill ttyl
your welcome. it was np. i hope u have a good day!
aww she's adorable! hey by the way the words on my popup are from a radiohead song which i adore, but they dont always relfect my feelings.. but you ARE special lol..
haha, im not vrying, its glitter, hehe. aww, you no likey the argyle pic?! sadness, that sweater is pimpin. im gettin a new pic on there soon...cause i have pink and blonde in my hair now. wowza.
thank you :)

no i havent heard the postal service but ill check them out sometime.thanks..oh yeah and donnie darko is an awesome movie too:)
your never online w3hen Iam!!!!I miss talking to you!!!!!!! ::wishes you were here::

aw, she's so cute.. too bad you aren't in any of the pictures :(.. it's been a while! but im back now!!
hey you need to update.ahh yes. getting fat. i swear that may be the only thing i glook forward to in marriage. oh and kids..yeahim strange.thus the name.
Awwww shes cute
your pants are off?!?! umm... yeah, lol..... that is so cool how you spend time with your little sister but I CAN'T SEE THE PICTURES!!! AND I WANNA!!!
awww! thats soo cute Mr.ROgers... that brings it back .. man.. i went to stefans house to get my book.. ang i didnt even find it .. man that sux..but we just hung out and eat taco bell.. thats so sweet you and ur sister.. i would never be able to do that.. with my brother.. but hes a little older than ur sister.. humm. well later!
your sister is so cute~! I love Mr. Rogers.. Its a wonderful day in the neighborhood lol.. wow u just made my day
people should act like little kids... they need a little fun cute.. its nice to see that you guys get along so well. =.) bye !
You're her friend, too? Oh how wonderful. Sure, I'd love to be friends with you and be friends together. That would make my day. How do you make a friends list, though?
Ooh, well thank you very much. Your help is greatly appreciated. Your little sister is very cute, by the way.
lol aww ur sis is a cutie.
I wish I had a little sister. I have an older brother. He's alright I guess. He wears my pants. Something tells me you and your little sister don't have that problem.
haha i act like my lil bro ..which is gay but o well lol.
awww that is sooooo cute, i wish i had a kid sister. i would that all the time. but i dont i have a 14 yr old brother that's bigger than the jolly green giant and he's mean.

MAPS..... hehe. that's kewl
Haha really? I'm pretty sure Nate (brother) has some on right now. He manages to spill something and stain them every time.
I think he owns two pairs of his own pants. I nearly considered gaining 50 pounds so my pants would be un-wearable for him.
Okay, maybe not.
You are a cool big brother XD
I am an only child myself
Well, i have to go call my g/f, talk to ya later bai bai
that is so cute. seriously. seriously that is adoreable.
aww how cute. i wish i had a little sister that i could watch barney with. little kids are so fun to hang around haha.
shes soo cute. man i want a little sister. rahhh. dam only childness to hell. im gonn ahve like 2 or 3 kids. and get fat! yeah!
hey how do you put music on ur page.. i wanna put this song on there but it just wont let me.. well i just really dont know how!.. help help im calling the S.O.S.. im in the libary at school.. doing research paper.. can you tell hahha.. well g2g.. do some work!
aw...that is so brother never spent time with me when I was little...I wish I had had an older brother like was always me and my twin brother havin to be together allt he freakin time....but that's sweet that you would spend a day with ur sister!!
thanx..i knew that..really i did..well i didnt know how to contact u but the internet!
aww that's too cute. we dont get along too well. heh

she is adorable! haha i loved mr. rogers. . too bd he died though. . thats kinda depressing. .
hey...nice pictures of you and your friends
awww shes sooo cute!!!!!
