
Feeling: torn
Another Saturday evening. Guess I shall really start writing in here again. I wish I wasn't grounded from the phone for another week. :: Sigh :: I wish elf would call. Yeah, I talked to him for 4 hours straight but it was worth it. Me and another girl have been discussing a certain subject all week and she came to the decision that she wanted the other guy that she's been with for 3 years and that I should go for the other one because we were meant to be. Yeah, I really like him but I begin to wonder if I should not have told him how I really felt about him. I just hope he checks the diaries Monday so he can atleast talk to me on here. Well....yesterday when I was playing Earthball, I fell down so now I have a bruise on my knee and there is some skin missing. But I shall live. I went to the weight room all week and I am so worn out. My legs are really toned though and that's worth all that pain and the fact that I am trying to make my ankles stronger than they are right now. I have an FFA banquet coming up this friday. It seems that everything is happening on that day. It is Friday the 13th so I guess it's normal?...Well guess I better go.
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Hope your leg gets better. =)
hey i didn't mean to get you grounded and i'm grounded too but its ok cause it was worth it so will you go out with me? cause in 3or 4 weeks i'll be down there and i would like to know. Awesome about your legs! Please don't kill your ankles in the process