How Much More Do I Have To Take?

Feeling: depressed
Yesterday was election day so I could not come to school and update my diary so here it goes and I hope this saves...... Monday after school, my step dad sat me down and told me how he did not love my mum anymore and how he was leaving. And he asked my advice and I gave it to him. So when my mum got home, he sat and talked to her for a while and evidently told her that he did not love her anymore and that he wa leaving to go stay with that bitch he cheated on mum with. Evidently, Angie called him and told him that she loved him and wanted to be with him. I do not care that he left. He should not have come back to start with. Oh yeah I also found out that Angie is only 23. 8 years older than me. I hope he can live with his decision because i do not see how mum can take him back again. Not after he told her he did not love her anymore. What's worse....Mum had almost forgiven him for cheating on her and leaving. That pisses me off. He deserves to die. Also, before he left he told me that I was to watch over mum and Piper and take care of the house and all. I can only do so fucking much. He gave me a job that a son should have, not a step-daughter. Who the hell does he think he is. At school, everyone keeps coming up to me and telling me that Billy still likes me. They say he watches me all the time. I would not care to be friends with him. It's just he dumped me and made me feel like I was nothing to the world. I will never go back out with him.and if he asks for a reason, I'll tell him that I 'have to much going on at home and I cannot handle a relationship' throw his own words at him. Well must go now. If you have read this far, I am amazed. Caio.
Read 5 comments
i do wish things get better for you, and if he treated you like shit once, he'll do it again. its hard to believe someone could change now-a-days, and your stepdad.. well.. thats fucked.. what he did to your mom, but it looks like your mom still loves him.
love from
au revoir
Crap man... I never liked him anyways. Billy's totally still into you! Break his heart, friend!
damn that sucks.
i went through the whole parents cheating thing and all that hoo hah when i was younger and i know it isn't fun. but what i can tell you is that it will eventualy get better...
anyways so the guy still likes you... go talk to him, make him think you'll go back with him and then just drop him on his face. comeing from a guy i think thats one of the worst things you could do *and take pics of him crying and put them all over :-p*
ok if he keeps watching you then i retreat back to my first statement about the locking of the doors and the purchasing of the pepper spray.
You took my 'Caio' thing! :: lays unholy smack down on Tiger then booty dances on her :: We need to go clubing. Clubing makes the world better/go around. :: Will have to see if Dest can get us into some good clubs. ::