Hello gorgeous

Listening to: quiet
Feeling: spiteful
Alright. Well. We got here yesterday afternoon and went to look at Wake Forest on the way to grandmas from the airport. Its niiicee. Wow I really hope I can go there. After that we went out to eat barbecue and then got to the house and chilled out. Went over to Loyd and Martha's for a while and watched King of the Hill. Funny stuff. So today Mom and I got up and went running in town. Then we came back and got cleaned up and stuff and went to Winston to look at fabrics and then to go to the mall. I met up with Jenny there and we shopped around for a while and got some candy at Limited Too and saw some hot guys and cool stuff like that. Then we went home and I chilled for a while and then we went and ate seafood at this place called the captains galley. after that we stopped by the mall so i could pick up my dream purse lol... black dooney and bourke with hearts.. im super excited i finally got it! so now im back and chillin again. with my purse. ♥Ann
Read 4 comments
Sounds like you had a fun day, haha.
Your so beautiful! You look like a true cosmetic girl! Alot of girls on here...just don't seem to care about there physical apparance.
hey..have you ever gone to a horse camp? bc you look juuust like a girl that i knew from one.
my diary name is: Kristy3578

you r almost as cute as elyse!