Oh shiite.

Listening to: ben kweller
Feeling: hot
Hello all. Well today has been an interesting one. I went to the tanning bed again cause im really sick of my ghost-legs. I stayed in 13 minutes this time.. evidently too long. The whole back side of my body is bright red and stings and all.. It's not fun to bend my knees. Or to sit down. Or to wear pants. Lovely, huh? I'll probly end up with skin cancer at some early age. Like 16. Anyways my skin is like radioactive right now and is giving off a lot of heat... notice my mood thing says hot.. well its not like the I'm sooo sexy type of hot. Any ideas that I was that kind of hot totally went out the window when I tried on swimsuits at Target and looked in the mirror. Eep. I wish I could swim with my clothes on. Or wear a granny suit. Yeah, those are hot.
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OMG!! THAts HILLARIOus but SOO SAD!! lol! well i think ure HOTT- the good kind, lol- anyways! haha well ttyl and- go for the granny suit- i have a couple hidden away! LOL ilu