8 and a half hours in bliss

Feeling: blessed
oh my god today was, without a doubt, the most incredible day in my life well it started off with me and kristen at the movies. we saw blade trinity, and honestly she was more interested in the movie than with me, and that pissed me off. well spending six hours with her alone was great. i got to see her eat a full meal today and that made me not worry about what she might be doing to herself. then we spent some more time together and yeah. apparently she has sumthing plastic-like in her belly button and that was weird. then she abused me some more, and fo the first time i abused her back. umm what else. so we're there and the tv is on and it just says "Touching is good." and yeah, that made me laugh, that is my story. what else...oh, i aggrivated my sprain so many times at her house, probably gonna take three extra days now, but whatever. ummm...pretty much know what im getting her for christmas, just need to get around to actually going there. i also need to ask her what shes doing (this is me asking u by the way) cuz my family and a bunch of other families our doing this thing and i want you to come.
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aww, umm..when?
Hello Ben how's it going?? lol hehe yah this is shelby i got a diary thingy ma doober lol well tmb bye