I Hate Mondays

Feeling: balanced
aight. so school sucks. im gonna fial info tech which doesnt make any god dam sense cuz its not even a real subject. then i had to go buy lunch cuz i lost mine. then after school i had basketball. after that i called josh to umm...ask him bout sumthing that i didnt even ask him about in the end. then i saw my drunk friend on the way home and paid him the money i owe, hes gonna go get more drunk now. then i got home, and ate a crappy dinner and started talking to kristen. so really the day wasnt at all balanced till i started talking to kristen, now its looking better:).
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thanks...thanks ben..
yea ill just be alone forever.
or date people then have horrible reasons for them to brake up with me
oh crap
i get it now
THEY are wierd
And you dont want ME to be with THEM
cause THEY are wierd
Hey you ,*kisses* that chick must stop spaming you..lol
in the pics..those arnt my pants there tessas she actualy made me wear them..so yeah..lol...you really like they pics eh?...ur favorite one?
lol im so werid .. thats nice.
you are so great..you fill me with such happiness its indescribable, when were together i cant even talk right, thats never happened to me before..you are special to me .. very special. thought you should know..miss you
god i hate how school makes up bullshyt subjects that we dont even need in the future!