real confused and lonley

Listening to: akon-Mr. lonley
Feeling: confused
ok im real confused i like this girl and in her dairy she said she only likes me as a friend but in another entry of her dairy she said she dose like me like that and she always flirts with me and stuff. and thats what makes me feel lonley its that i dont know wather she really likes me or not and every time she dose flirt with me it makes me happy but then when i read her dairy i find out that she like someone else or she flirts with everyone so im leveing this weekend to daytona to see my grand parents and wont see her or find out whats going on till sunday night but i still like and care about her and i dont want the flirting to stop(lol) its just i wont to talk to her stright forward. oo yea i almost forgot last night we were standing on her porch and i told her i was leveing and then we huged and i held her and she held me and i looked like we were about to kiss and i think she wanted to but i chickend out(stupid stupid stupid) well ig2g talk to yall later tony
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hey i love the background...awesome...anyways don't worry about her. i know you like her but if it was meant to be then it would right?...give it time and move on..she'll eventually see what she missed
ur can come and talk to me whenever you want....
awwwwwww does she live near you? (is she ugly? if she is im gonna slap you!!) yeah well my compie is seriously messing up, dad crashed it 2 times... once last night, we had to fix it a lot... tomorrow im going to the beach, and my pancakes are burning so ill ttyl peace