I hate school!!!

A lot of people creat too much drama and I can't stand it!!!! SO many people piss me off!!!!!!!!! I wish that all the drama would just go away!! I have enough problems in my life to worry bout prepey ass peoples drama. I am geting so pissed at them they think that they are fuking gods and run the school not u guys dont run the fuking school u guys are the dogs of the teachers! THere is a lot mour diffrent people than preps! U would not last down state! ~that felt good!~
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i know what u mean...yes, half the people here would die there. some people just like to think they're the shit because they're popular in little ol' roscommon, but the real world doesn't give a rat's ass what RHS thinks! you prolly don't know who i am, but i'm friends with everyone on your friends list, so i added you. so, hi! i'm emily.
rachael? what the hell?