yay! fun stuff!

Feeling: exhausted
It's late Tuesday night. But i felt like updating because I can, and I really like my new layout. It helps that I made most of it on my own. So, Monday night was track then straight to dance. I love track and for so many reasons. I don't care if people don't know about indoor track and that it gets no respect, I love it because I do. And for some others reasons, but I won't elaborate :-D I love my ballet dance too. It's so much fun, even though it butchers my knees. I'm glad I'm going out with a bang. Tuesday, track was again tons of fun, even though the suicides really are a killer. But it only makes you better at what you do. Bobby understands that. Right Bob? Right. And I've realized that I've become a lot closer to the guys on the track team. They all make me laugh a ton, even though they have the tendency to hurt me unintentionally. Or at least I hope. Then again dance, from 6:30-9:30. Such a long time, but again, it's totally worth it. So I think that's all the fun stuff that's in my life now. Yearbook is sorta a hassle, but I'm loving that too. It takes up so much time, but at least I make time to do it. And Mr. Mitchell makes me laugh a lot. He's one crazy man. Ok, kids. That's pretty much it. You should know what's going on with me anyways. ;-)
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yay! s ounds awesome! ilu and you totally rock at the long jump! :-)