so long sweet summer

Feeling: tenacious
30 (more) random, stupid, yet interesting things about me! 1) i get mad at things i shouldn't 2) i set high expectations for myself and the people around me 3) i know i say some things that just create more havoc 4) i hate drama 5) dance = life 6) i really really like the lifehouse song called everything 7) my mom is making sure that i don't miss the homecoming football game this year cause i've missed it 4 years in a row 8) if i even ran away from home, it would be eileens house 9) i know a lot of stuff, but it does not come in handy in relationships, if you know what i mean 10) i'm constantly correcting others 11) i hate it when i get left out of things 12) i don't really get stressed, everything just seems to get done 13) i am extremely pissed that frau bruns is teaching next year 14) andy cole was the first person to ever call me hairy 15) my birthday is in the summer 16) halloween and christmas are respectively my favorite holidays 17) i constantly call myself a loser cause i'm smart and i read 18) at times i am conceited 19) i refer to my dog as puppy, even though she is 10 years old 20) jen antropoli is really down to earth, and i like that 21) i'm a so pumped for the o.c. to start again... am i obsessed, yes! 22) slow songs rock, they are good for dancing 23) i hate having my pictures taken 24) i really want to go to nyc 25) indoor track is gonna kick ass, not only because i will be a senior, and we are going to rhode island, but becasue it's just fun 26) i am not going to play sports in college, maybe intermurals, but i'm definitely dancing 27) i want to be married and have kids before i'm 30, if not earlier 28) i really like making cd mixes, and i think that i am good at it 29) i like music by gretchen wilson, here for the party is my fav song 30) i find joy in the little things ok,there it is. i love you kids.
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8) if i ever ran away from home, it would be eileens house
^ive been really emotional lately...and i dont kno why, but when i read that i got teary eyed!!! lol i kno i'm just a huge dork! but that made me happy that u put that, not like i want u to run away or nething, but yeah. I love you kris, and i'm sooo happy that i got to spend one of the most fun summers with you!!!! I cant wait for more good times this year as seniors!
sweet deal! ilu! :-D
lol eileen.. being really emotional... crying at compliments.. you're starting to sound a lot like me! ilu!
awww you guys are crazy but that's why i love you.