Zoologischer Garten Munchen

Feeling: crappy
Okay, Imagine this. Your in Montreal, (a very busy city) about 1.5km squared... is closed off, no cars, only people, theres a bunch of talking, someone steps on stage, 1.5km squared, of people shut up. Not a single noise (well maybe some, but its was REALLY quiet) And then you here, this fucking AMAZING alto sax solo. (Charles Mingus, it wasnt him playing, it was someone doing a cover) Thats all you hear, for more than a km away from teh stage, thats all you here. t'was so amazing, i love jazz, so you all know. I adore it. You had to hear this, it was so amazing, and it was dark out, and just ya... its was so great. moving on. Inncase you were wondering... all my titles, i get from things on my wall... my walls are covered in posters and shit... so thats where im getting them from. *sigh* so. -zara and I are fine. -I cant get a hold of emilie, which bugs me. -i HATE it when people put words in my mouth, like hate it more than anything possible. -Livi if in montreal YAY livi is the shit. -I prob wont get to see mike today... *sigh* -I just realised... as i looked around my room.... that i have a pic of eminem up there WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING UP THERE?! he must come down. -I still want mike... lol, i know i said it up there, but whatever...
Read 6 comments
dont tell him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yea, it should be sah-ree, but the people I talked to were from Ottawa, so it may be different there.
Just out of curiousity, have you ever had the "McHomard"?
lol yeahh thats so stupid, why would you fake being drunk? ahh stuidness. haha i almost choked on a noodle! choking on a gummy bear would be funner though. ahh i just sneezed, lol. ok im done :)
don't worry, i'm not thinkin of suicide... just cuttin again... but i don't wanna... anywho, how have you been?