Free Trade or whatever

Awhile back now I saw a play/production thingamajigg about international coffee trade and how hideously poor coffee farmers in South America are and whatnot. Of course the whole show was presented in a way to make some light of the situation and make it entertaining - and personally having a stunningly attractive South American (or spanish?) woman in the show was entertaining enough for me. But after seeing the show and doing a wee bit of research i find myself a supporter of the whole Fair Trade coffee scheme; good news considering all UCSA cafes at university are now supplied by a Fair Trade company and are thus now all slightly more expensive. Speaking of university I've spent much of the past few days wandering around campus looking for classes which had been rescheduled and/or relocated. It appears that the coordinators in my department have a predilection for changing class details without notifying anyone, even the lecturer herself in one case. Myself I find it odd that my EURO lectures are scattered around campus in a seemingly random (if not sadistic and cruel) fashion, I would have thought that they would be located mostly in one building or section of campus for easy and relaxed transition between classes but noooo no no no no that would be FAR too easy. It's nuts. So far two of my classes are being delivered in thick eastern european accents, which kick ass! Hearing post WWII european and soviet history seems so much more worthwhile with the appropriate accent. [Deep slavic accent] "Today we will be looking at history of GLORIOUS Soviet Union" tehehehehehehe I signed myself up for CUTC (tramping) and Canterbury Snowsports at clubs day Tuesday in anticipation of getting more involved with things and generally having a good time. Skiing especially because its impossible to get better at it unless I go up fairly regularly which I've not had the opportunity to do before b/coz of school/work/family blah blah blah. So hopefully this year will be different coz I've got myself a suitable car AND like-minded people to go with. Um, so yeah. I managed to more or less miss everything that happened during orientation. Not that i didn't WANT to go, more because of moniessss, my lack of. But no worries, there's plenty of free entertainment that can be found.... somewhere.
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