You Can See Through Me...

Feeling: blah
So I have this guy friend that I have known since I wasreally young old.I have the biggest thing for one of his best guy friends. I met him for the first time about a year and a half ago. And he is just amazing. We have sooo much in common, but I think he see's me as ' one of the guys'. It seems like he's flirting with me sometimes but I could be mistaken bc I want him to be flirting with me lol. We have the same views about so much from what we want out of our lives later on concerning kids and love. But he hasnt said anything to me about liking me. We have only started hanging out pretty regurlaly recently, and I'm supposed to see him tomorrow. My friend, said that he wouldnt want me to date any of his friends, bc it would just be too weird. lol. So I should probably just not even think about him anymore right? Its just I feel like he can see through me, see the person I am really, not the act that Im the big tough strong girl. I feel vulnerable and girly and attracive around him. But I should probably forget it right? If anyone reads this thing, leave me your opinions.
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