The Lonley Boy II (car ride)

It's winter now, there is the boy again, now however he is not in the courtyard between the apartments, he's not making snowmen, and snow angles, in the clean crisp new snow. It smells, cold, as winter tends to bring. He is in a car, a familiar car. His mother is driving a small tan hatchback car that has been through more than its share of abuse, in side and out. The boy was going to school now, everyday he went to school so that he could escape the loneliness that awaited him at school. At school he was a Husky, strong and smart. he was dreaming of a day when he could always stay at school, he loved his mom but.... the car suddenly jerked to the right, out of the passenger window the houses that once passed by him at a distance where getting closer. the first impact was the worst, only because it threw the boy into the dash nose first, the fire hydrant that had just launched the small hatchback into the air lay almost indented on it's side, the car did not stay in the air long, it's flight was interrupted by a telephone pole into the center of the grill of the car. This second impact threw the little boy into the windshield this time head first, and then he fell to the dash once again on his nose. Only a second past before the tingle of a bloody nose past over the small boy. He opened the car door and stepped out into the snow and looked down to see the crimson blood stain the purity of the snow. Was it just his nose that was bleeding, he didn't know. A man ran to the little boy and in a panic asked if he was ok, not even a tear came to the boy’s eye, he just shook his head. The boy did not get to go to school that day...
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