
Listening to: FBMF
Feeling: chillin
{23 days.}
Such a lazy day so far. Woke up, set up the laptop, played videogames. My grandparents are coming over in about three[ish] hours, and I am not looking forward to my grandfather and his ways of hypocrisy, arrogance, and close-mindedness.. They will probably give me money. In a sick, twisted way that makes me kind of glad they are coming. I should just enjoy the time they have left. I love my grandmere to death, and she is ill. My father is running low bloodsugar. I have to tend to him as if he is a child. Oh the humanity.
Read 6 comments
That kinda sounds like me with my family... only they're not sick, but the roles are still reversed (i.e. I take care of THEM).
yeah well i figured that since i loved their old stuff even though their new stuff isnt the best that i would do all i could to support them.
I love my grandparents, but they can be pretty darn annoying sometimes. My grandad does this thing where if I start talking and he needs to concentrate on something else he'll just hold up his hand in front of my face. Charming.
In what way are you kind of with this boy?
Opps. I meant 'they're' hehe
.....I always get funny looks for wondering what human tastes like....People think I'm crazy. I just think their weird. I say....a homicidal rampage is in order! right?! right?!?! heh

you should go there and listen to the first song ha
it is ridiculous