Now what?

{24 days.}
So. Kyle came over yesterday. We looked through old year books and baked a cake. He's adorable. There always seems to be those awkward moments were I THINK theres going to be a kiss, and it doesn't happen. Ashley came over last night around 9ish[give or take a bit] while Kyle was still here. We spent a decent amount of time reading the ridiculous jokes on the back of Laffy Taffies, and just relaxed. It was nice. Corey's cake came out fabulous. I'm proud. I spent the day with him today, and went out to lunch with him, Merin, Mike, and Ash. He just left. We watched Edward Scissorhands. We basically couldn't pay attention to the movie at all, and kept talking and stuff. I hate liking two guys. I'm unsure how I feel about either of them. I just need some clarification please. I'm so sleepy.
Read 4 comments
yea, it really isnt any fun.. ugh. i miss him :(. by the way...may i add you?
avenged sevenfold
Mmm...Emo kids for breakfast,lunch,and dinner! Emo popables! mmm, we should patent that.....
It will quench my curiosity of what human tastes like as well....:)
I like more than one guy, but I suppose I like more than two [not as much as the two I really like though]. I just like to keep my options open... which always fails.