Organizing Pub

Listening to: Fuel-Shimmer
Feeling: accomplished

I apologize for being away for so long. Neither of my computers were functioning properly. I couldn't finish my projects until this morning. I barely finished in time. It was tragic.

Friday night I went to Poe's Pub. The food was marvelous. The band was barely tolerable. It was cold, and I had to sit there for approximately four hours, not including commute time. Saturday, went driving for three and a half hours. That evening I went through two boxes from storage, organized all of my crafting materials, organized the whole guest room closet, cleaned out my cloest, organized my closet, and the rest of my room. Sunday I awoke late because my alarm did not go off. I hurried to get dressed and then drove us to Waffle House. BahBah chose there because that was where I had wanted to go, but I had wanted to go with Cera. That hoe-face. We followed this excursion by one to Wal-Mart. Let's hear it for three dollar shirts. It's oversized, I screwed up while I was cutting, but I still look pretty damn good. Great fun. I read the rest of my book for English and stil had quite a long while to spare.

I took lot's of pictures last week. But I suck at life, so I shall upload some now.

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