
Well, since this is my first entry and I joined this to meet new people that I don't know I guess I'll just talk about myself. Shallow, I know. I'm sixteen year old girl with a very confused and complicated mind. People say that I've matured beyond my years, pretty much, I've experienced a lot of things that I shouldn't have at a young age. A lot of my friends are older, it's not such a good thing. Pretty much, my life is a fast paced frenzy of drugs, booze, and sex. Really, we live like rockstars, we have a lot of money and nothing to do with it. My parents think I'm a disappointment to a certain degree but they still love me. I'm not stupid, I just don't don't try and lack any work ethic. I think of love as something that can be found many times in life but only truly kept once. I live for it, in hopes that maybe one day I'll actually find it. I have the tendancy to go after assholes, it's something that I like. I'm not the nicest person, actually, I'm a bitch. My friends say that I'm not a bitch, I just have bitchy tendancies. I go after assholes because they appeal to me. I like that screw you, I'm not going to call you every night to tell you "goodnight baby", I'll call you when I want to type of guy. At the same time, I also like the sweet guy that will hold me when I just want to cry. The type of guy that will tell me he loves me and hold my hand in public and kiss me on my forehead. I have a feeling I'm never going to find that guy, and if I already have I've probably slept with him, gave him a quick swift kick in the ass, and sent him on his way. Sex is beautiful. If you choose to be a virgin until marriage, that is your decision, and if be it, but don't try to talk to me and make me think that I should stop having won't work. I look at sex in a way that most people don't. I think it is a wonderful experience that two people have together where their bodies join to create a masterpiece that they will forever share together. I think it has two different sides though. Sex and making love. Making love is something that two people share when they have true, genuine, real feelings for one another:love. Sex is just an act between two drunken souls who are in the persuit of love. I do not sleep around, I am not a slut. I am however, a person who falls very quickly and not very hard to get in bed once I feel an emotional attachment. I do know that I have only truly made love twice with two different people and had sex a countless number of times with God only knows how many people. I guess that says something about me. Take it in whatever way you want, but that is me. I am not for or against drugs. Realistically, drugs are bad, they are horrible for your mind and your body. In my world however, I think drugs are amazing, I think it puts you more in tune with yourself and your soul. I think it lets you express things that you otherwise would never even think of even hinting towards. I know that I could never be with anyone who never did drugs. Drugs in my opinion open your soul and heart and as a result make you a more truthful person. If you don't agree with me, please don't comment and argue. I am open to hearing your point of views but please don't preach to me and try to change mine. I have plenty of friends that do not do drugs and they have tried to change my opinion, trust me, never once have I actually considered changing my opinion. My bestfriend does not do drugs...but she is still my bestfriend. One of my closest friends that I trust just as much is one of the biggest junkies. So, trust me, I am a well rounded person and do not need to be yelled at or "helped". I do drugs voluntarily and putting me in rehab or camps will not change that. I'm shallow. Seriously, outward appearance is very important to me. You don't necessarily have to be drop dead gorgeous...but as long as you have your own sense of style. I have never been with a guy that people have considered unattractive. I'm picky. I think the epitome of beauty has to be Angelina Jolie, and that Ryan Gosling in the Notebook is the most gorgeous guy ever. I go for a different kind of look, laid back, surfer bum, kind of dirty. I still however do like pretty boys. I've been told by plenty that I'm hot, still don't believe it. I care a lot about what I look like, I am very self-conscience but I am also confident, sometimes over confident and people find it overwhelming. I have never had a problem getting the guy that I want, always just had a problem realizing exactly what came along with the guy that I chose to get. My favorite body parts are the stomach, back, and hands. when a guy moves if you can see the muscles in his back I think it is so sexy. I love hands, it tells a lot about a person. I don't like chunky fingers, there has to be a true beauty to th persons hands. I love stomachs, I like to rub them while I'm falling asleep next to a person. I've been told I'm different, I know that. People say that's what attracts them to me. I'm a different kind of person...I'm actually very accepting and I guess people find it strange for a person like me to be accepting. well, I'm a very blunt person, so this is me. I love talking to people and hearing other peoples opinions so feel free to comment and maybe we can get to know eachother better. There is a difference between opinions and preaching. Even if it's just to say "what's up?" or "hey, how's your day going?" I'd greatly appreciate it. party on lovlies
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