(11) I Will Breathe Fire

Listening to: Strata - My Panic
Feeling: aggressive
I hurt in lots of places, most of them located in my arms, back and legs. My face hurts too from being punched four or five times. Meh. Wrestling makes me happy because I get my dosage of pain, which makes me weird, which makes me loveable and nonchalant. Or I hope so anyway. It probably doesn't but who cares, I suppose. It isn't like anyone really reads this diary anyway.
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Hola! What's going on? Hm.. well, not sure what else to say, so.. later!
you know you do you kill me well, you like it to and i can tell.

I like your diary. Its pretty. lol

i know this one boyy who's in to wrestling.
his face kinda scares me.
he recentlyy got his second black eye.
one black eye is okayy. maybe even sexxyy.
but two black eyes is scaryy.

okayy, enough of me rambling.
i just wanted to sayy that i do too read yourr diaryy thing.
okayy? okayy.