(6)A Loaded God Complex

Feeling: wanted
It turns out that undergrad admission at MSU for 2005-06 is only $13,325 for a Michigan resident, which I am. this makes me extraordinarily happy...I mean, East Lansing isn't gargantuan, and I would like the campus. I could even join the sports teams if I wanted, like maybe football. I think I wanna try out for football at MSU :). Other news that is fun: I ended up weighing 139.0 when I weighed in tonight, with 11% body fat. That means I can most likely lose about 5 pounds, putting me at something like 134.0, which would make me happy. I'd love to wrestle 135 -- I'd probably kill half the kids at that weight, if not be a state qualifier. I'm a ton stronger than many 140s out there, so I can just imagine 135. :D:D:D Various Stuff Mr. Ewald was a nice guy and let AP English have a somewhat free day today. We talked about Medea, but directly after that, he told us that we were watching a film that had been made as a modernized version of the story. Of course, the Paramount screen came up, pulling out a few "HuH? Paramount made this?" Until we saw Charlie Brown invade the screen. :) I like that guy. Senior Project was also easy on us. I finished up the poster I had two days to make, then slept for aboot an hour. He knew that most of the guys in the class were cutting weight to make whatever at Alphas, so he went easy on us. We then found out that Carla had driven into a ditch while coming back. But overall, today was a happy day, even with the starvation-induced exhaustion.
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