To you

Listening to: Something Corporate
Feeling: abandoned
So you think I analyze? In order to analyze you need to understand what you are supposedly analyzing. And considering I don't understand you, or your actions, I can't analyze you. My away messages have not been remotely about you, so how can they say that I think you like me one day and not the next? That my dear would be an assumption. And you yourself said that assumptions make things go bad. A good suggestion would be for you to accept your own advice. I don't need to "learn to lay back and {not} analyze." I'm just fine at doing so. I know that one little thing doesn't make every thing superb. But one thing can make the world miserable, but i know, just as I guess you do, it doesn't make the end of the world come sooner, nor faster. And how could you possibly know if I am trying too hard to understand, when you haven't heard any thing about the situation from me? You haven't tried talking to me so don't pretend you know how I'm acting, what I'm feeling, what I want, or what I think. Those would be assumptions, and that reverts back to my previous statement, oh, and yours. Before you go telling people what I'm directing away messages toward, what I think, or what I'm doing, how about asking me? Imagine that. If you were to ask me, which you probably won't because you haven't about anything else, I would tell you that that would be a much better way to run this life. It would rid of all assumptions you have created. Wouldn't that be nice? But, it seems to me you don't care what I really think. You would much rather tell my friends what I think. Here's the thing, no one, I mean no one, knows what I'm thinking, or how I feel. That could possibly be because I think you and I are the only ones who need to know. But if you don't care to know then I guess I'll be the only one, that is fine with me. Let every one come up with their own conclusions about me, I don't mind, but if you know me then you should know I, just as you, keep personal things to myself. This may seem random, and may be a bit confusing, but that's okay. Think about it, take a minute, since you have said these things, and I've said this, do you know me well enough to like me? A hand will not be held, a blissful moment not spent together until you figure this out, and talk to me about it. Is this too much to ask? -*-*-*-
Read 6 comments
WOW..he who ever that entry was directed to..I think he would get your words..they are pretty clear and direct! hehe i wish i could speak that loud...!
thnx..:) but you know.. the REAL problem here is that he pretends to love me and even says so..but then he regrets because we´ve been BF for about 3 years..but it´s that type of friendship were we "love" and kiss and´s awkward, its lovely..its cute..but it hurts!:(
thats kewl =) i love Veggie Burgers! hehe x0x Lex
soco rocks!!!!!!!!!!
[in response to your comment]
it really isn't a memory that hurts this time. Just something evoked the other night, as went the nature of the weekend. Just kind of thinking.
Im surviving :)

I hope you are, too. Seems like it.

Go you!