at tiffs

today i went to boring summerschool like always. and right now im at tiffs. im listening to a conversation about would you rather be in a room with naked men or naked women. and there saying they rather be in a room with naked women because men have to much hair. they are also saying how guys grow hair in there asses. thay are now saying how men are sexier with boxers on than fully naked. no they are grossing me out,by talking about a guy they know who hasnt hit puberty. ok well, i got dumped yesterday,yes,yes. im single. now im able to see other guys,naked, just kiddin. ok well , i have to go to the dentist and talk about my old route canal. love me thought for the day, think about who you would choose to rather see naked, to find out whether you like the same or opposite sex.
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bitch i hate u just wait till high school ill kick ur ass
Hey its me samantha i didnt know u had a diary qt pie love ya
kate you just creep me out weirdo ok see at the last day of school
i would be around a girl cause like...ya anyways it was kewl seeing you this is kenzie in care you dont know but ya
hey kate, its hollie warner.. mydiary is broken & won't work.. fuck it. call me sometime. we have to go to the mall! yay.. have fun.. bye
id rather see women naked because i think penis' are ugly. plus there is no push ans shove over who rapes you first. unless the women are lesbians,...hmmm
and people call me wierd

ps add me to yo friends
if u knoe blondemerica can u please e mail me at
please !!!!!!!!
r u the same kate that went out wit morgan?
hahaha yeah i remember that conversation, it was pretty crazay, oh well..i still think that i would like a girl naked better, i love you,love tiff
lol I guess I do feel special. The Kmouth kings are awesome. :). have a nice day
are u kate freeman @ VHS