almost forgot!!

Listening to: a static lullaby
Feeling: infuriated
I cant believe i almost forgot the BEST part of my summer...well one of the best! My love rich came and saw me wed. omG it was awsome!! i love him so much. Its so much fun hangin out with him and being around makes me so happy. He came and got me from band and then we went to my house for awhile and hung out♥ Then we went and got tina! And had dinners at franks...even tho it was burnt chicken and i think a blind person could of made better food :x haha but thats ok. Then we went to PC and got eggs and cookie dough. then we droped tina of and rich took me home after a unmm short "detour" and he let me drive!! hehe He meet my mom and my g-ma and bob! Then he had to leave :( but im so glad i got to see was awesome and a half! ♥ Idk were id be sometimes if i didnt know him and meet him.... thanks myspace! hopefully ill get to go to his homecoming thingy at this school. well thats all for now....i had to put that entry in there.
love you richard howard rhone♥
Read 4 comments
ahhh i fucking luv ur diary

haha yeahh she does my friend was holding her & my dog started to yawn&i snapped the pic i wasl ike ughh she looks evill haha
Cleaning is fun when you want to do it and what not. Heh.
Parents just fucking suck.