
Feeling: amazing
i live fOr little mOments like that change change change...i LOVE it so i changed my layout on my diary...somewhat! also i went to the hair dresser today for a WELL-NEEDED hair color change! it is defintally better than before, dont know if i like it though! lol i will never have a good color i guess. but i am not allowed to straighten it everyday so i have to find something else to do with it. the lady who was doing my hair (which by the way took two hours) said it is in good shape but i cant keep straightening it. blahhh. it smells like crap. mom said "better start saving up for ur next hair color...i am not paying for it" followed by a big barbara-jean smile. erg. the lady at the place said "i hope u learned ur lesson about dying ur hair yourself" um yeah i did so tonight is the swim-team banquet that my whole lunch table has been freaking out over for like 2 months. gay if you ask me to freak out over something that stupid but whatever...if it makes them happy?! my dad put a password on everyones usernames...and he told everyone their passwords except for my brother,beacuse he is not allowed on the computer SUCKS FOR HIM i have to stop cussing. that is what has always made me annoyed, my biggest pet peeve or whatever. i cant not get in the habit. spring break holy shit. sorry last one =) its gonna be AmAzIng
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dont have that as a pet peeve... i mean i cant help but fucking cuss. GOSH :-D
it looks really cute this way!
tight entry. SPRING BREAK UH..wher eare we going?
hey emily! im in graphic arts...thats cool...clemsons a pretty area!

we gotta hang out soon! -ap
kool diary