mad so mad

Listening to: nada
Feeling: furious
blah this sucks! jennas all mad at me b/c i "got everyone to gang up on her" even though we are just doing whats right, my dad got mad at me during lunch today and chucked fried catfish at my face, and THEN john didnt say hey to me at church---not cool. church was cool i guess though! i went to contemporary and sat with kelsey emily and meagan..and max was behind me so i talked to him a lot. and then on the other side (didnt see them until i sat down or i wOULD have sat by them) was john greg austin know all them! then i went out to go talk to john and he was like walking really fast out out of the church..and i was like thats cool! w/e i had fun with the girls! they are hilaroues! and after i came home..and right now im supposed to be at the church volunterring for some halloween thing..but my sister is doing her UGA application so its taking forever...yea! well i gotta go call ppl about tonight b/c its all crapped up and im so freakin stressed/mad/furious all those about it!
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