i am.. SO surprised

i have discovered that i am incredibily perceptive of situations about to go awry. as i called several days ago "CR is not going to like me more." andd oh look..... he is attempting to get back with his ex girlfriend. i guess that was the thing nagging at the back of my mind the whole time. that it wasnt going to work out. because it never does. this isnt a blog about how devastated i am though, because im really not. it's more just about how i am right. and i usually am. and that is the reason i have no optimism when it comes to boys. thanks B! and every person following him really. i was at the library with CR and CM tonight and that is when i knew. and the sad thing is, CM adores me and i can see it when he looks at me, but for me it isnt there and i doubt it ever will be.
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