Pep Rally

If anyone goes to MHS, you would know what I'm talking about. Me, Kyle, Geoff, John, Matt, Free Hugz, Sam, Paul, and Jen. Alot of people, wow, I'm surprised we didnt get caught in a government owned property, lol, but I shouldnt be telling you this....oh well, yea, we got sugar high with twinkies, donuts, cookies, red bull, and root beer(some of it was stolen), most of us tried to get some pot, but didnt feel like going to lake street, to get high, and that was prevented (unfortunately). And then we went back to school to get on our buses (unless we wanted to walk, which none of us did). And for all of you that know me, I am proud to annoumce that I have a girlfriend, again. However, she lives in Virginia, which is where I'm going as soon as I can drive by myself. I'm going to visit her so all you backstabbing son of bitches can have a full summer without me! So in your ugly faces!!!(no offense, guys and girls, I appreciate you all) BTW, sorry about everything Geoff, we're still friends! So, g'night and I'll see everybody at school!
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hot diary.
the nightmare before christmas kicks ass.
and i fucking love this song..
pep rallies sure a fun huh? NOT.