
Listening to: spies- coldplay
Feeling: deflated
i got a new sit diary. Obviously. i think this time i am going to be good at it though because I am so insanely, unbelievably sick of nexopa its disgusting. i hate how its like a sub culture and people have fights over it, date over it, break up over it- i mean its like the same as msn was in grade 8. like ew or something. ANYWAYS Tonight was fun. i saw Jarhead with courtney and steph- i was so happy to see her its ridiculous. it was really refreshing to be with someone i was friends with in grade 7. way back before a lot of this lameness lately. and she is just so much the same as she was back then, like not caring about anything and not a superficial peice of crap like so many people have decided to become. Last night was fun too. Courtney slept over at my house after I had rehersal and we drank almost an entire bottle of like $300 red wine out of big goblet glasses while watching the OC. it was really fun and classy. kind of silly too though seeing as, um, WHO GETS DRUNK BY THEMSELVES?! hahaha. oh man. and also i have a happy new clothes/books buzz right now because i just got Yvonne's birthday present and its a sweater from abercrombie and i love it. i love having someone like Yvonne in my life, even though sometimes i hate talking about it with people because its so complicated and amazing at the same time that people just dont really understand. i also bought the third a-list and pride and prejudice by jane austin today, so i am pleased with life.
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what the heck is nexopa yo!?!?