
Feeling: bored
It's Christmas day...weird. I still can't believe that christmas has come and gone basically! Oddness. I got to talk to my brother, which was wicked awesome! He sounds exactly the same! Kickin!!! Uhh...let me see. Oh, I got a car stereo!! I'm so happy!!! Now I can finally listen to some tunes that I like. That was the main thing I got. I got other little things, but I don't want to say...I sound so greedy...ick. Yeah, *sigh*...I miss my emily and my nate. I want to hug them...*sniffle*. Even though I completely saw them yesterday...I still miss them. Oh, and Brad. I didn't mean to forget you...heehee. All in all I'd say Christmas was fun!! I love you all and....MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
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Feeling: bipolar
Ugh, don't you just hate those days when you're completely happy for like an hour, then you get all moody and depressed. I don't like it! I was happy less than an hour ago, now I'm all-rar, I'm angry! I think I have a touch of bipolar disease, it would make sense if I did/do. I miss Nate...even though I saw him like, well, actually, I haven't seen him all day!! I want to hug him, I'm so lonely!!!! I miss emily babe!!! I'm so so glad that I get to hang out with her in an hour! OOOOhhh, nate just called, gotta go!!! MUAH!!
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Feeling: listless
Hi everyone. I really have no clue why I'm writing this entry. I have nothing to say. I just haven't written in a while, so why not. Christmas is in a week, so that's pretty exciting. I don't know what I'm getting, and I can't wait to know. Oh, and I'm so excited to exchange gifts with my friends!! I want to give them their presents so bad! In fact, I'm making some of them as I'm writing this, what can I say, I'm a multi-tasker. Grr...I want to go to bed, I dont' know why don't, there's nothing stopping me. Oh, yeah, the presents. Hehe, I forget. Eh...uhhh...hmmm MERRY CHRISTMAS IN....uhh...7 DAYS!! Sorry...I had to count, it took me a second. Oh, my birthday is in 9 days! Pretty sweet huh? I know, I'll be seventeen!! How weird is that? Phyke! Anywho, I'm going to go now, I love you guys!! Have a happy day!
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..something or other

Listening to: Phantom of the Opera
Feeling: happy
Eh, I don't know what to write. I'm just happy right now, who knows why, but I am. Today was pretty routine...I didn't do anything. Oh, I did get my monologue for drama which is exciting! It's so long!! But it'll be exciting! Eh... OH! I'm so nervous because Nate and Brad are doing something for me, but I don't know what it is!!! It's mad me so nervous...I have to go clean my room, it's made me that paranoid! Oy... Okay, I guess I'm done, I really have nothing left to write, if I think of anything, I'll add on... Bye all!!
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Begin again

Feeling: aloof
*COUGH*....So... I haven't written in a long time, sorry about that! Not that anyone really reads my journal anyway. But since I'm bored I figured, why not? Oh, and I'm actually writing something, it's not just a quiz, which I'm still addicted to by the way. I hope everyones Thanksgiving was awesome! Mine was the most boring event in my life. Sorry to say. I love my family, but...they were all like together and I was all by myself...(hehe, I was alone...teehee), I don't have any cousins close to my age, so it was hard to have bonding time. Eh, oh well, it's over now. OH!!! And....I couldn't stand being away from emily babe and...Boyo....I missed them so much that I cried the first two nights that I was gone. And then when I didn't cry I couldn't sleep, I just layed in bed wondering what they were doing at that very moment, then I thought, well, duh, they're sleeping because it's 3:30 in the morning. *Sigh* I'm so happy to be home!! I could hardly stand the car ride home, I willed my dad to speed home, but he didn't...the four hour car ride seemed extra long this time. Eh. But it's all over now!! Geez, I sound like I've been kiddnapped for four days, but thats really how I felt. When I saw emily babe I ran and grabbed her!!!!! I want to hug her forever!!!....until she wanted to hug someone else....and I wanted to hug someone else.....yeah. I decided it's the nicest thing when you come and some guy hugs you and won't let you go whispering in your ear..."I missed you" was so tender!! I just hugged back, I didn't want to ruin the moment. I couldn't stop smiling! Oh, funny thing, yesterday (that's when I got back), I went over to Brad's to find him and emily babe and neither of them were there, but his mum said that I could stay, I had nothing better to do so I figured, why not? We talked and I decorated his Christmas tree for him! Who does that, honestly? I got to see all of the cute little homemade ornaments, aww the tenderness of it all! Tee-hee! *SIGH* Oh...I'm so perfectly happy right now!! Nothing could make me happier!...I take that back...having Brad Emily-Babe and Boyo here would make this day absolutely PERFECT!!! WOOT WOOT!!! I did discover during the car ride home that I miss ballroom dancing a lot! And I miss colorguard....I wish....that I could dance again, but my parents won't let me and I'm probably not good enough anyway! But I still miss it. Oh well, I guess I should get over it because I'll never be able to do it again. I want to go to emily babes but I don't know if she's home...hmmm....I think I'll just take a chance. By all!!! Sorry it's a long entry... Much love!!!
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More quizzes!

I know I know...I'm kinda addicted to them right now...but I think they're fun!!! Woot! Your Seduction Style: Fantasy Lover You know that ideal love that each of us dreams of from childhood? That's you! Not because you posess all of the ideal characteristics, but because you are a savvy shape shifter. You have the uncanny ability to detect someone's particular fantasy... and make it you. You inspire each person to be an idealist and passionate, and you make each moment memorable Even a simple coffee date with you can be the most romantic moment of someone's life By giving your date exactly what he or she desires, you quickly become the ideal lover. Your abilities to make dreams come true is so strong, that you are often the love of many people's lives. Your ex's (and even people you have simply met or been friends with) long to be yours. No doubt you are the one others have dreamed of... your biggest challenge is finding *your* dream lover.What Kind of Seducer Are You? Woo, check me go!!
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quiz 2

Your Birthdate: December 27 Your birth on the 27th day of the month (9 energy) adds a tone of selflessness and humanitarianism to your life path. Certainly, you are one who can work very well with people, but at the same time you need a good bit of time to be by yourself to rest and meditate. There is a very humanistic and philanthropic approach in most of things that you do. This birthday helps you be broadminded, tolerant, generous and very cooperative. You are the type of person who uses persuasion rather than force to achieve your ends. You tend to be very sensitive to others' needs and feelings, and you able to give much in the way of friendship without expecting a lot in return.What Does Your Birth Date Mean? Awww......the tenderness of it all!!... It fits very well actually... At least I think so...but I don't want to be...braggy...I guess...
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What Your Sleeping Position Says You are secretly sensitive, but you often put up a front. Shy and private, you yearn for security. You take relationships slowly. You need lots of reassurances before you can trust.What Does Your Sleeping Position Say About You?
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Listening to: Something by MXPX...
Feeling: active
Wow...I don't know what to write, but I need to update since I haven't written much in a while. Me and my friend megan are better now! We had a great chat about something that was making me upset...and her for that matter. I feel way bad for emily babe...I can't believe him, grrness, it's not right, something is definately wrong!! Argh, I don't know what to do to help! *BIG sniffle* is over. I don't know what to do with myself. We had our last rehersal today, but I don't think I've quite realized that it's more staying after school, no more staring at...someone...I honestly don't know what to do. *sigh* I suppose I'll figure it out. I'm so hyper right now, but I have no way to get it out!! Emily babe, I bet you could help me with this! I got most of it out at...that person's house, but I still have some to burn!! WOOT! Oy...I really should go to bed, but...I can't, I'm so wired! I think I'll make a CD to entertain myself. Oh, I know! I'll go read other diaries because my life is so boring I have nothing to write about right now. Off I go
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Listening to: Gladiator
Feeling: sinful
Wait!! Okay, person who made the comment on my last entry. What are you talking about?! I'm not sure I understand, what do you mean I'm much prettier? I don't believe it for a second, if you're who I think you are. Besides...I care about your feelings...I don't want to hurt anyone! EVER!! I'm so sorry!! *thinks*, I figured out who you are, at least I think so. I don't deserve him anymore than you do, you probabyly more than I... Well, I had this grand journal entry all thought out of what I was going to say, but now...I have no happiness to say it with. I'll it later then... Bye...
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This is a test...only a test

Your Power Color Is Magenta At Your Highest: You energize yourself and push others to suceed. At Your Lowest: You feel frustrated and totally overwhelmed. In Love: You are suprised by who you attract. You're a love magnet. How You're Attractive: Open and free spirited, people want to explore the world with you. Your Eternal Question: "What is my next source of inspiration?"What's Your Power Color?
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Feeling: awful
Oh...I don't know what to think...I feel so terrible right now. My day is gonna be bad, I can already tell. Emily babe is going to go to lagoon and she's gonna be gone all day. Then Budda's all sad because Moo-moo's gone. And my friend Francis found out about an issue that I have. I don't want anyone to know about it but Emily babe and somehow Francis found out. This is irksome. I'm sick to my stomach, ugh... Then I read...something that also makes me feel sicker than I do. So, you know that guy in band i like? Well, the girl that likes him, is bascially tramatized because she can't see him this weekend, it's UEA. I don't want to cause problems for her! She liked him way before I ever did, she deserves him, I don't. I should give up on him, but two of my friends have said go for it. I don't know what to do!!!! Waa... Maybe someone here has some advice for me? I want to curl up in the fedal postion and die. First I need to go throw up or something because my stomach really feels sick. Eww... Anywho...I guess I'll write more when my day is farewell for now...
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Yay!, I feel like such a boring person. But I'm happy! OH oh oh, I'm almost done with my oil painting, which makes me happy, so my teacher will leave me alone about it. When I'm done with it, I then have to do a self portrait, which doesn't make me happy, since I dont' exactly myself or looking at me. *sigh* Oh well, as long it gets me a good grade! Band was grand! Oh, hehe, phyke, I rhymned!! Wow, and I think I really spelled rhymned wrong...oh well. Shush emily babe, no comments from you about my bad grammer. After school...I don't really good guy friend got mad at me because I went and hugged all these other guys...I felt so bad!! Oh, I hate it when people get mad at me and it seems to be happening more often...grrness. Band was the same...I had fun, but I'm so's almost over!! What if the friends I have in band don't want to be my friend when it get's over!?!?! Oh, *sniffle* I'll be so sad! Especailly about my hot guy friend in band.... Oy...if he's not my buddy, I'll be so sad!! Especially because I like him so much, which is embarrassing. I don't think he'll ever like me, wishing, but it's not likely, I think. Oh well, so life goes. I guess I have nothing else to say so I'll go now...bye all!!
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Listening to: Dream On by Aerosmith
Feeling: bouncy
My weekend wasn't all that exciting. I had a band competition and we got 2nd place, as always. It makes me mad, but I can't change the judge's thoughts. Grr.. The bus ride home was pretty boring. Emily babe wasn't with me so I was lonley. It was kinda a good thing, though, because I bonded with Tristen and Scout, other girls in guard. Oh, I have to explain something that happened before the bus ride home. On the way there around 18-19 girls in guard decided that they were going to ask some of the guys in band to sadie hawkins...the cute ones, that is. The guard even knew that some girls in band were going to ask the guys on monday, this happened on Saturday. It made me and Tristen a little upset because the guard so incondiderate that way. Oh well, I's done now... It wasn't all sad, though because I got to hang out with my *cough*HOT*cough* friend in the band. We had fun times flirting! And he let me wear his shades, which he looks so HOT in! He is woot...woot!!! Meaning, very fine in looks. Yay! I was sad because he wanted me to ride his bus home with him, but I wasn't brave enough to ask my advisor. I wish I would've though. Well, yes and no because I know someone else that likes him and I don't want to get in the way. She liked him before I did, so she gets him first I guess. I don't want to cause problems. So that was my weekend basically...not very exciting, I know. Bye everyone!!! Much love!
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Feeling: angry
Okay, so I've tried to write this journal entry twice and both times it hasn't worked and they were lengthy entrys too! So I'm going to make this a little shorter than orgianlly written because I'm sick of it! Okay, so school was boring as usual and in 2nd hour my oil painting teacher made me start over on my painting so I'm a little miffed at her. The rest of school was boring and 5th hour emily babe is in my class, colorguard, we didn't have to do anything today so me and her left and wandered the halls, which was kinda fun. Woot! After school we didn't do much, I was a bit sad because I didn't see my friend...ahem...cute...friend...anywho. I'll see him tomorrow. OH, the reason for this entry is to tell emily babe that she is amazing and I love her! A certain person has made a crack in her heart and that makes me hurt too. I hope your day tomorrow is better!! Besides...this other person isn't nearly as pretty as emily, she could get plastic surgery and still not be as pretty as emily babe. Oh oh and emily said that I get to be the offical tear-wiper-awayer, woot! I love you all and I hope everyone has sweet dreams especaially emily babe! I LOVE YOU!
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Listening to: Holiday by Green Day
Feeling: blah
SO my day was boring, I didn't do anything really. I went to school, that was the same as always, boring, except for my third and fifth hour, which are my fav. Hehe! After school was a little more eventful, I went to colorguard and that's always fun. Oh, and I made a new friend, his name is Thomas and I quite like him. Woot! Me and emily babe had to help load up the band trailor and we got in a tuba train! It was an adventure. I got squished a bit, but it was fun. And I learned that I can limbo under the band trailor, I got mad skills, all you limbo people better watch out. Anywho, then I went home and Emily babe came w/ me, no surprise there. Eventually I took her home and on the way, there was this yield sign and across the street there was this thing that looked like a cat, so I go all slow like, so I wouldn't scare it, just in case it ran in front of me. When we got right next to it, emily babe busts into laughter, between gasps I hear her say, "It's a stump! HA!"...I started to snicker, it was way funny, oh I love that girl, she makes me happy! I hung out at her house for a while I had fun while she cleaned her room. I made it mess while she cleaned up my mess, then we had a fight with peanut butter taffy!! It was fun, even if I got chopsticked...or...hit. Okay, so I'm way behind in my chores and I have to go do them now or she'll get pissy at me, grr. I love you all, Goodnight! Oh, and sleepwell, sweet dreams!
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Yay for me!

Ello everyone! Oh guess what I did last night!! I went with emily babe to my friends house and we jumped on the tramp in rain!! It was so fun! We kept knocking each other over, woot woot! I love you all, especially emily babe, go you!
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