-Random 50-

Feeling: headachy
-missing some.. 1. Are u wearing a necklace? as always 2. Does your computer have a mouse? yea... 3. Who is the main person you talk to in each of your classes? 1st-Amber k & Meghan..2nd Amber H & Shannon..3rd-Preston & Mara..4th-Amber K & everybody else in there..5th-Amber K, Meghan, & Lizzie..6th-Amber K, Brandon, Sam, & Maggie..7th..No one 4. Do you like school? its okay.. 5. What color is your shirt? black 6. How many bedrooms do you have in your house? 2 7. What song are you listening to? Rebell Yell-HIM version 8.what was the last mall you've been to? South Park 9. Are you alone? Nopee no 10. Do you have any older siblings? nope 11. What is the last thing you ate? choc. chips 12. Who was the last person to come over to your house? Amber 13. Who was the last person to call you? Chris 14. Who was the last person who texted you? .... 15. What time is it? 4:58 16. What should you be doing? ..idk 17. Who is the last person you IMed? Rachel 18. Did you go out to eat yesterday? yea 19. What are you thinking about right now? how sexy ville is! 20. What color are your pants? blue 21. What color is your keyboard? gray & black 22. What do you feel like eating/drinking? *evil laugh* 23. Are you in college? no 24. What is the last word you wrote? ..hard 25. Are you bored? no 26. How many teeth do you have? ..idk 28. Do you wear glasses? nope..have them, but dont wear em 29. What color are your shoes? black & white 31. Last thing you drank? koolaid 34. Who do you love? Amber Lynn Small 35. What are you doing right now? this survey 37: what are you looking at now? ville!!!! 38. What's the last words you said? ill just put josh on my wall...lol 39. Do you have lip gloss on? no 40. Do you have eyeliner on? yea 41. Did u realize there was no question number 36? wasnt paying attention 42. Do you have a cut on your pointer finger?no 43. Where is your cell phone? beside my elbow 44. Do you have any friends named Robbie? kinda sorta 46. Do you have any friends named nikki? my doggy! 47. Are you afraid of the dark? i like it better when its dark.. 48. Did you used to watch "are you afraid of the dark"? yea.. 49. Do you like someone right now? more like love 50. What size shoe are you? 8
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