Sci-Fi Sunday

Feeling: blah
Ok first of all you all have to know that my dad is a treky (not that bad of one though). Ok now that you know that I can tell you what happened today. On a Sunday afternoon my mom would have brought me camping or something along those lines but my dad, he brings me to a sci-fi convension. For those of you who don't know what those are it's a place where a bunch of geeks dressed up like science fiction characters go to hang out. Actually though, surprising it wasn't that bad, actually it was kinda fun. The people walking around were weird but the actors were pretty cool. They are in no way like their characters, which IS a good thing! So ya, my Sunday was nice but I would still pick camping. I think though, what made this fun was that I got to spend some time with my dad which I don't do very often. Ohh and for lunch we went to this place called island, i think, and they had the BEST hamburgers ever!
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look im lighting your fire
okay thats getting old

sorry thats so awesome how your dad brought you... i feel so bad for you ryan.
my friend lost a bet with his dad about star trek....
he had to shave his head

mmmmm hamburgers

also were going over to your grandmas
whether you want me to or not

talk to you later

-the leafing one