
Last night, Carrie came over for the night. We were so fucking hyper! lol, we took a lot of stupid pictures lol. It was great! We were gonna go to the movies with Garrett and Paul, but we couldn't get a hold of them..:( Today we went to the mall. I got jeans, shirts, spray, jewelry, our pictures taken, and gum...:). We even got high! lol. We sprayed like all the sprays to smell them and, opps, got high! lol. So didn't mean to do that! the most freaky thing happened to us! Okay, we were walking to A&F when a group of guys walked up to us. Then one guy said, "Wait, there to young, damnnn!" lol, he was like in his late 20's and VERY ulgy!!! lol. Then another guy in his 20's was walking behide us and we didn't even notice. So I was just talking about Paul, and Carrie was talking about Garrett when he walked next to us and just stared and smiled! He was so ulgy! And I thought the first guy was ulgy...lol. Then when we were waiting for my mom to pick us up, we called Brittney. Thats when she told us Keith was in a car crash! My God! I hope he's alright! I'll prey for you Keith! Hope you can go to school Tusday! Get well soon! I love you like a brother! So, Yeah, now im just sitting here being very bored! Might go to the movies tomorrow! yay! four day week-ends are the best! Gotta bounce. Peace out! Word! I love you Paul Oliver! I still hate you Kayla, And no, Im never gonna forgive you for that!
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hello^_^ its my bday!!