[110] Father

Listening to: Otep - blood pigs
After I have castrated him with my own bare hands i'm going to break every bone in his body. Then i'll cut out his tongue and offer it to him on a silver platter. Then...i shall liberate myself.
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have fun.
Rach, my msn has signed me out for some random reason and I cant get back on.
I'll try and get back on in a bit.

hey there msn wont let me back on..:( anyway i love you forever and ever and please..comment back..just for old times sake?..I LOVE YOU
I have ski masked girls on speed dial.
hey love. im sorry taht i havent been on msn lately. ive had play practice all last weekend because the play is this weekend. im sorry and i'll try to get on more but its going to be difficult this week. that poem you wrote (?)was beautiful. who was it about? i really liked it. well hun, i really hope that you're doing ok and you havent done anything "bad". i love you and i think of you every day and night. i promise. love you doll.ttyl ♥
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