o5 . o2 . o6

Well today was eh, okay I guess! whatever. But OoMmFfGg I am like sooo gonna be stressed out in June (((next effing month))) cause of all the effing finals I have to take for stupid school. But whatever there is only 18 more days until my beloved birthday, and I so can not like wait at all, cause on the 19th i'm gonna skip (((i mean get sick. lmao))) and then go shopping for like all day, and that same day I am gonna get my 8th grade dance dress, I have like no effing clue what it is gonna look like, I cant really think of a picture in my stupid mind. god dammit. gerr! Anywho, I was talking to one of my friends, who will remin nameless, and she said that she might get inschool cause of this other girl that didn't do her part of her effing History preject..it's like Nameless, just do it yourself dont worry about this physcho chick. She is psycho, she's all like "I hate myself".."I wish I would just die".."I'd do anything to leave this effing world"!!! And everyone else is all like.."WE DONT EFFING CARE ABOUT YOU, YOU PSHYCHO FEAKKY CHICK!!" cause honestly, no one likes her cause of how freaky this chick is, but whatever!! She doesn't care what anyone else thinks about her, so more power to ya..FYI my mother always says "More power to ya" so its kinda stuckk in my vocabulary for a while, till I like never say it again..so I think that is about all for now, cause this entry is long enough..well then peace out girl scout!!
Read 4 comments
I love your new layout, it is tres tres hott!!! tehe. Like my french? I sure do..well on that note..have a swell day!
Hmm. Okay, I'm gonna put on soooo effing many icons about birthdays that you will not even know what to do with them all, tehe, well I hope I can find/make that much all in one night, tehe!!! I'll see what I can do, kay? kay!
I like your layout..it is very cute.

Woot Woot, I found your SitD Mel, this is Kay-Kay I dont have a SitD but whatever.