Starring Kara

Feeling: independent
Last night I met Nick at Blockbuster and we drove to go film some of my scenes at a coffee shop. However, the little coffee place was a bit crowded, so that never happened. Then we met up with other Nick and Jon and began filming the night parking lot scenes. It was quite fun. And I did the worst fake crying ever! lol Friday night and Saturday morning we're finishing up my scenes (our scenes I should say) and really it's been quite interesting. I know that I can never be an actress. lol BUt I'm doing what i can to give Nick a close-to-Oscar-winning performance. :) Got all my shots from the doctor today too. I'm ready now to go mingle with other vaccine injected kids and begin my 4 years of higher education at the lovely University of New Hampshire in Durham. Holla! haha i've never actually wrote that before.... Well, off to do more of nothing! *later*
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I'll definitely hang in, she lives 5 hours away too but I dont care. If thats what it takes to be with someone like her it's worth it
audrey hepburn is gorgeous.