X-Whoaaaaa man-X

Feeling: depressed
I know why the heart gets lonely Everytime you give your love a.w.a.y Wow...I'm so sorry! I've been gone...not on purpose though. Damn cable company... Anyway...thursday was a good day...up until the Donkey Basketball game. My dad was bringing me the usual way we go, but the road was closed. I was all..."What the fuck....?" So we went around the other way, and I had to walk up to the middle school. Turns out, a girl got hit at the school. At this point I'm worried. So we get up there and I go in and look around for a few friends because the place was packed. (Well, packed as my old middle school gym can get.) And then Racheal runs up to me and goes,"Sam! Do you know who got hit!?" "No...::Confused look.::" "It...was Jamie." "Jamie...?"Cause there's a few in my school. One I don't really care for. "Cheerleader Jamie." "::Eyes go wide and nearly falls to the ground as Racheal walks me over to Katrina and them peoples(Cause I don't remember anybody but her and Katrina.)::" And then I saw Rob and Kate, so I went over and made some little kids move so I could sit between them. And then the game started. And let me tell you, seeing people from school ride around on donkeys trying to get a basketball or shoot the said basketball is fuckin' hilarious. They get bucked off, some can't even get on the donkey, some people have their donkeys run away, some don't want to move, and I think one took a dump on the floor. It's very amusing. And then there was a short intermission where I tried to find Kirsten, but she had left. So I asked Brian if Cody was there, and he wasn't. So I went out to Rob for a bit, who gave me the most comfort that night believe it or not, and Billy came in and took us out to see the truck and everything cause they were letting people do that, so we went outside. I stood with Kate for a minute and then walked down to Rob and Billy, tears ready to fall and I hugged Rob, granted, I wasn't crying into his chest, cause I was hugging his arm, but it still felt good, and then we went inside and he walked with me up until the middle of the little thingy in the middle of the bus loop and then he ran inside. I just walked and then left not soon after and I went outside. I couldn't take being with all those people. I don't really like people seeing me cry, even though Rob, Brian, and Billy did, so I sat on the bench in front of the little fish pond and cried. Just...cried. I didn't stop till the game was over, and then I went to find a cell phone to call my dad to have him come get me. So then I waited...got a hug from Rob again, and then I saw Brian and Will...And I cried some more. Except Brian held me. And then we waited, and I got home. Shit that was a depressing night... And then I went and bought my semi-formal dress, Jenna came over, I'm getting a bird, and she's coming over tomorrow, whee! Annnnd...thats it. Leave some comments.
Read 2 comments
i wanna ride a donkey...
im sorry about that girl...*huugggiee*
what kind of bird? i wanna see picturesss
and i love you more!
haha thank U!!! I know u do and like 2 other girls I had this site forever and i had like 40 comments a day then my computer broke then when i got back i had even more better icons and nobody is even commenting me it sucks but whatever it wont stop me it will make me work harder I guess lol alright love ttyl<33 Jenna