details later

Listening to: snow patrol
kilforthis: hey ash ashuhlee43: hey love kilforthis: are you okay? ashuhlee43: what do you mean ashuhlee43: do i not seem okay kilforthis: no.. kilforthis: you don't. kilforthis: i can just tell kilforthis: i'm not even with you/haven't been with you and i can tell And this is why I love her so much... I haven't even talked to her about anything for a week and she imed me, and that was the first thing that she said. I guess true best friends just know when something's wrong. So as of last night Braden and I are officially not getting back together. Well, actually it was official a couple nights ago, but we got into probably the biggest fight we've ever had last night while we were on the phone. It was bad. He said that our relationship was a waste. I know he didn't mean it, but it hurt.. a lot. Everything about this hurts. Especially knowing that it's real now. Buttt, since I don't feel like going into hardcore detail about this at the moment, I will eventually tell you all about it Sara. I promise. And thanks. I love you to death.
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