Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Feeling: high
Anyway so I haven't written in a few days. Let's see...saturday was poker night, which was waaay fun, sunday was movie day...umm pretty woman AND one fine day. and chocolate milk :) plus free coffee at market st. coffee company... and then chipotle/coldstone, which was GREAT. Monday=running around shopping with aditi, work for a couple hours, tennis=mixed doubles with kevin, nick, aditi. OMG that was awesome. and then stephen came over with man on fire and we watched that. Tuesday-took stephen to pick up his car in the morning, then saw bride and prejudice (again!) with christina, and i need to say...i love that movie! and after work, christina and i watched the ring! Wednesday-sat around at home until work, then after work, eleni, nick, kevin, and marissa were here and we all watched DDLJ! Today, I was supposed to hike camelback with shelby, but that isn't happening, b/c i kinda injured myself. And later i think lindsey is comin over to watch K3G! so last night was effing hilarious. eleni was so into the movie, it was great. and by the end, kevin was into it too. and then the best line ever... Kevin: Me and Nisha are high on Bollywood...bitch what? oh and... Me: Who called that motherf***er?!? Kevin: Do you need me to read you the article? I thought you were peaceful! anyway i absolutely love bride and prejudice and it's already out on DVD, i MUST get it. and then we'll have a party and watch it. BTW i love martin henderson as well, hence my new header pic. seriously, so cute. even in the ring. it's a new thing now. and idk, he reminds me of someone, i just can't figure out who....anyway so that's my new love. And, today is st. patrick's day. Tayles' brother Paul apparently loves this holiday? and told me he was gonna bring me some green beer... highly doubt he actually made some, we'll see though. And it's also 3 months until my 18th birthday. :) Seriously, if you actually read all that, go you! Spring Break is amazing. I'm so done. Love nish
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your sit looks amazing as usual, nisha! i heart you and so does shahrukh ;)
and i'm glad to hear more people are high on bollywood!