Not Fitting In

So tired of this life that I'm living. Sick of not knowing who the hell I am. Why am I like this? Why am I here? To me.. I serve no purpose. I have no meaning. Well.. my very first entry on sitdiary. Yay? Go me? Heh. I can't decided what I like better. SitD or Xanga. My fucking school blocked xanga so I guess that means I"ll have to get use to SitD now. My life is so fucking screwed up at the moment. I can't stand myself. I feel like I'm going insane, fucking crawling out of my skin. Old habbits are boiling up to the surface again. These urges to cut and get fucked up are getting stronger. And it's scaring me. I need to talk to my med. doc. -- suicidal thoughts are setting in. Espically now.. now that something is happening that I never thought would happen. ..This entry is meaningless.
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