day by day

I'm sittin ghere watching an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It's one that I saw for the first time years ago. These creepy fairy tale guys come to SunnyDale and steal everyone's voices. Then, they try to steal 7 hearts out of people. It's also the first time that Buffy and Riley kiss and find out about each other--Buffy being the slayer and Riley being one of the comando just sucks you in(it's commercial at the moment). oo it's back on. woot, intense man... so today I met this guy I have been messaging back and forth on facebook. We didn't plan to meet or anything, we just did 'cause we have some of the same classes and stuff. It's weird how much you can be yourself when you know the person doesn't know you. It was cool, but kinda weird. Since I never thought we were going to meet I didn't really have any expectations...actually I was just telling Maggie yesterday that I liked the fact that we just messaged each other. He never was like "Let's meet" and I liked that..oh well. My philosophy class is cancelled yet again. I turned in my take-home test on wed. didn't go friday(went home early instead), monday we were there for about 5 mins when a kid stood up and said that Dan Hieber(the professor) said that if he wasn't here within the first 5-10 mins of class that we could leave and to read 9.2 or mb it was 9.3--anyway, i just got an e-mail that it's cancelled again today and Dan will send us a hand out via e-mail. woopee for me, no class! I still have a busy rest of the day though... psych. tutoring 4-5 phil. tutoring 5-6 hip hop practice 6-7 hip hop practice 8:30-10 phone with dad... fall in love with A smile
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