I wont forget you

Listening to: silverstein.
uhmm. where do I start...I dont know why I got this journal, kinda silly when i think about it. only sam's gonna read it and i probally wont be faithfull to it, which is bad i know. uhmm, so today i got to see josh downtown for a bit after co-op which was super nice..and I talked with richard for a bit, we shared a starbucks, which was tasty. I called sam♥ we talked on the phone until she went babysitting..now she's feeling sick and i hope she feels better soon.. Really I dont know what else to say. I had another diary but it was different. uhhh what else..my mom leaves for vegas tomorrow that should be interessting..i was supposed to go help josh work on his roof saturday but his mom doesnt want me at there house, shes afraid she might "say something she'll regret" what the fuck else could that woman possibly say to me...fucking hell. ugh that woman...no words, just none. She's on 3 kinds of pills now for, depression, phycosis and schizophrenia... speaking of schitzo's my step brother is in the hospital again saying he's gonna kill himself...but he's probally just mad at his parents and throwing a fit again. oh jesus i just ranmbled. fuck me.
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rambling. it's what we do.

it's kinda therapeutic sometimes, though.