Black and White

well, today was really nothing, woke up and saw that my dad was still home, he said he would take me to my moms house at around 11 so i said ok... got here and dan said he was going to the dance, uh yea, w.e. i really didn't want that to happen, cuz i wanted to go but i didn't want to go if he was there, i thought i'd have a wicked shitty time... i talked to me mom and said that she was leaving at like 5... well britt wasn't goingt o be home till after that, so i had to go out to dinner with my mom and john... what fun yea i got to britts and talked to her mom for a little while, got ready and went to the black and white dance... We got there, and i kinda hung out with brittany and tony for awhile, but i felt like i was just following them and being annoying... then i hung out with miranda, but i felt like i was just following her around too... then dan got there, i don't even think he knew i was there untill i stood next to him for 5 minutes... well yea, i felt so out of place, dan had his freshmen, britt had tony, and then there was ashley, ashley, and jordan, idk.. i just kinda stood there thinking that no1 even cared or wanted me to be there... well, idk what happend, but i started dancing a little bit, and then Dwain(or however you spell it) came up to me and started dancin, so i did 2... i was dancing with ashley and jordan most of the time, i felt so stupid, and i can't dance for shit... i danced with dan for about 5 seconds but it was wierd, like, he moves funny, almost like he moves too much, i can't explain it, but it was deffinatley different, and probly never wants to go near me again, w.e. fine with me... but yea, then britts mom gave us all a ride home, so that was cool... i had an alright night i guess... nothing special, nothing to complain about...but i'm really tired so i think i'm gunna go now... later
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