Book Learning.

I rather enjoy that TV show. America's Next Top Model. It's prefectly trashy, and annoying, and just wonderful. We watched it all day. I almost wonder if I liked it more because he did. Hrm, I'll have to think about that even more. Not to say I don't have my own interests, but it's nice to share some, considering usually we are so varied. I've begun reading again. Not that I ever really stopped, but I sort of let my time be limited on it. Instead of enjoying a book, I was reading through them too fast, getting them down and over with instead of letting the words just come out as a story. But now I am back into letting the story unfold, letting the romance, the mystery, the violence all come out like pictures instead of words. I can see it in my mind when I read more slowly, and I can really enjoy the book that way. I have much to learn about this country though. The culture is quite different from that attitude in Europe, or at least in the places that me and Danyael stayed. I am sure I will get used to it in time.
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He moved all my things before I got up in the morning. Every little thing I had taken so much time to place, he had moved. I had to spend hours getting them back into place. Of course it took hours because he was constantly pestering me the entire time. Granted some of the time it was an okay thing for him to do. We went downstairs, and I must confess I am really not a people person. I have no idea what poessess me to really leave the room, even though Danyael constantly says that it's he that will never leave. I never know what to say around people, I think it comes to being married so young before. That's another thing he refuses to talk about. Josef. He insists that there never was a Josef, and that I should just do the same. Sometimes I wish I could, but that was a part of my life, in fact a very large part of it. The part that made me run to his arms. I'm afraid that ignoring my past will only ensure that I repeat it in the future. I like the teddy bear that he bought me, it's a panda bear with a red ribbon around it's neck. It doesn't have a name yet, I am horrible with figuring out names and it will probably never have one that really suits me. Danyael will probably name it whatever he wishes and I will just call it the Bear or something boring like that. We were almost kicked from the Wal-Greens and I dare say that perhaps needing a snack in the toy aisle of the store at 4 am was perhaps my fault. Not that he stopped me or anything.
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New Place.

I have not quite gotten used to this new computer that Danyael has already insisted on buying, so bear with me as my typing may not be the best. I can understand his want to leave Europe, but why he thought I could just up and move so easily is beyond me. It's like he forgets from day to day how I am and everything about me is new to him. I rather think he still attempts to make me more like him which is rather disheartening because it was being myself that drew him in before. The flight over was most pleasent, and I think I faired better then Danyael did. He was stuck watching some silly movie, and I had a wonderful choice of what I wanted to watch. Next time he will perhaps fly first class rather then I. The new place he has found is interesting, and he has already made himself some friends. As he always does in a new place. They are naturally drawn to him, and sometimes to me as well, but only because of my association with him. I cannot believe we have already broken the bed. That was most embaressing expecially when he decided to giggle about it for hours. I'm sure the whole place shall know before I even rouse myself out of sleep. Oh well, it's the price I pay for being with him. And it's a small price really when I think about the joy he has brought. Not that I would let him know that of course, but it's there.
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