Some days are hard- well, every day is hard.. some just have their moments that are so difficult to deal with. The reason Mike and I broke up was because we had a lot of problems- none of which I actually solved. I tried for a day or so to fix the issues that were so detramental to our relationship, but then I got comfortable and reverted back to my old self destructive habits. We had a long talk yesterday.. about an hour. He really is my best friend. I think a best friend should be there to give constructive criticism and tell you where your faults lie. Nobody else I know will do that. But Mike never kept his mouth shut if something about me was bothering him, or wasn't neccecarily a positive trait to have. I realize so many things about myself that are negative and I always vow to change them, however, I never do. I'm not quite sure why.. so it's time to really start trying I suppose.
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