the list.

Listening to: Jordis Unga
Feeling: affectionate
so this is my list. i will find him one day. someone comfortable. quiet. confident. loving. loves his parents. has a job and a car. knows his future. intelligent. is optimistic. likes animals. smiles a lot. intellectual. can talk to me about anything. shows emotion. doesn't lie. caring. likes to read. appreciates art. likes poetry. has a great smile. is open with me. likes nature. understands me. doesn't hold things against me. laughs with me. doesn't judge me. gives me flowers. always wants to hold my hand. loves music. is sensitive yet strong. doesn't label himself. doesn't give into trends. isn't still attached to old girlfriends. is able to love me. takes things slow. doesn't lie. lays with me. isn't perfect and doesn't care. can carry a conversation. doesn't use drugs. likes to learn. this isn't complete. this isn't manatory. this is simply what i love. that's all. much love.
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Thank you so much doll.

Some people say it's impossible to find someone exactly who your looking for.
I say they will eventually come to you. = ] Good luck
One day.

One day we'll all find our dream.

But yeah.. people like Jordan are ghay!! Tbh.