
GOT TO HATE THE HYPOCRITES, THE PREJUDICE AND THE STUPID!!!! GAH!!! Gah, what the fuck is up with people. All I see is thew slimy, unnatural views of everybody selse and it stinks! It stinks like so many seawage pipes running through the minds of humanity. I hate the people. I hate the people. I hate the people. The people who hate mu8sic even though they have never listened to it. The people who are easily trained by the ones that they obsess over! The people who are constantly striking down the music of others when their own "talents" aren't getting them anywhere in life! Gah! Destroy the human traits! Gah!!! I'm listening to some guy who thinks that he actually thinks that he is someone important in the eyes of the general populace! He acts like I should damn well worshiop him. Well, fuck him! The guy standing next to me (Dimitri) says fuck him too! God! I hate the arrogant, I hate the ignorant. I hate the non-buttered popcorn! God, what is the use?! What the fuck is the point of it all?! Where will all of this life get you when you are dead in the ground. We all rot and we are nnever better than those we claim to be better than! I sometimes wonder as I witness the countless ways humanity has proven itself that it is not worthwhile, why the hell people stab other people back! Why the hell other people choose sides because they THINK that the other loves them, when that person only knowingly cares about himself. I hate those people that think that they know me just because they read this shit, just because they hang around and try to listen to what I say. What I say never fucking matter, what I mean does. It doesn't matter if you don't think it matters. You do not controll me god damn it! STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY DAMN SANITY!!!
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yeahhh AFI!