[12]Life is like a box o' chocolates...

Listening to Yellowcard. I've heard good things. Very nice. Makes me yearn for the summer. Sometimes I want it so bad that I tense up and try to make it come faster. I bet that makes no sense what-so-ever. I went to the mall with Heather on Saturday. Very fun. I love your jingly bracelets. Oh and those express shirts you got. lol Very cool. I was trying to fall asleep last night and I couldn't. I guess I'm back to my old insomniac ways. Which kinda sucks because I love my sleep. lol I was sitting at my lunch table. And, I realized how unfulfilled I am. I sit there listening to my supposed friends talking about sex, porn, drugs, and pregnancy. I can't deal with it anymore. I can't deal with the drug addicts. I can't deal with the fake drug addicts. I can't deal with the drama. I can't deal with girls saying they are crying because they say babies in the window, babies anywhere. I'm just so sick of it. Girls our age aren't supposed to be talking about stuff like this. They are supposed to be talking about mindless who flirted with who stuff. I yearn for the days when I was young and naive. The days when I didn't know half the stuff I know now. I don't want to know what I know, It was shoved in my brain by thoughtless people who want to know about stuff they shouldn't. I miss all my old friends. All the friends I would just make up dances with in the basement of their house. Friends that I could talk to all night long. Heather is not mindless like other people. But, sweetheart I think you made some pretty dumb choices before. I don't know. I have things to say to you but I'm gonna keep my mouth closed on this subject, because you might get offended. I'm going to leave on this message. This is for you Heather. *Why is the sky blue? *It's blue because it is the perfect color on the scheme of black and white.) *Is there really a man on the moon? *No, if there were he would die. There is no oxygen on the moon.) *Is my boyfriend worth all this? (I myself don't think he is worth your tears. But you have to make that decision on your own.) *Did Tupac really die? (Maybe. He looked awefully sad the last picture they got right before he died.) *Is Kevin in a better place? (I hope for sure he is. Good people deserve to go to good places.) *Is there a point in trying if we always fail in the end? (Yes, because there is a 1% chance you will succeed.) *How can i raise my self esteem...hahaha thats an excellent one!! (You can get away from creeps who lower it and believe that you are beautiful. Because you are. And, I wouldn't say that just because you are my friend. Haha, i don't work like that.) *How do you know when your in love? (When the only thing you can think about is the next kiss. the next caress, Or, the next time you will see his face.) *Can i do better than what i have? (I believe you can. Because you foolishly showed me that you are very smart.) *What the hell is The Lord Of The Flies about and if i dont do the journal will i fail? (I have no clue at all, and you will surely fail if you don't do the journal.) *How do you prevent razor burn? (Use a good razor blade, with water and soap, or shaving cream. Don't push so hard. The hair will come off.) *Where is conneticut? (Somewhere in the new england states.) *Why are the days so long untill you look back and they went by so quickly? (Because you don't know what you got til its gone.) I hope I answered them all for now. Come back with more. lol xo, *S*
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Hey chick. You'll always be my friend. Stay strong and believe.
Luv ya.
Hunni you are the best, you are special keep your head up all the time, you helped me more than you kno!! i love you so much! Love ya***Heather***