
Listening to: letters from home
Feeling: placid
god! i hate my life it totaly sucks!!!!! i supprised that im not a cutter with every thing that happens! my family just drive me crazy! i hate it when everybody tries to make me feel guilty about things that i shouldn't really feel guilty about! i meen im just a kid! i don't know what to do, or what choices to make everyone else happy, its driving me crazy! I hate it everything just suckes! i just feel like... like i want to cut my self to make the pain stop! i don't want to pretend to be happy and make everyone else happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE someone make the pain stop!!!!!!!! I want someone to make it better! but who?????????????? i need the pain to stop! (tears running down my face) i feel like i have to slice my self open and see if i bleed blood or if bleed just dust that blows in the wind! b/c aren't we all just dust in the wind???????!!!!!!! some1 please help
Read 18 comments
of course I don't mind, ur on mine 2, lol, and i live in sturbridge, mass.


i do it, and after all you look back and relize it's just not worth it. it is hard to stop and cutting is eventually deadly... don't scare me.
Try not to think about it too much because you might end up like my old friend who told everyone she was so mad she was going to cut herself and people tried to stop her and then they got mad because she only talked about it and she never actually did it, and people were helping her for nothing. You know? Well I'm sure you're no like that, but just to be on the safe side..

Have a great day!

yah we can talk. I've seriously considered self-harm. but it's so pointless. It will just be gross anyway.

if you have msn or yahoo, I'll give you my addy.
yea, its 10 at my house, lol, i think im gonna go 2 bed, haha. good night. n glad 2 hear that ur better! EMAIL ME!! lol.

yea, I hate doing hw, it sux!! haha, I LOVE the summer, I love the heat, I am from GA so yea, I love it. haha. how are you today?

thanks for the comment.

Don't cut yourself. It'll just give you even more problems, and Lord knows you don't need more.

Hurting yourself won't make you or others happy. Clearly you just need someone to talk to. If you'd prefer a stranger, but not a psychiatrist (I don't believe people should use them), and if you have msn messenger, let me know, you can talk to me.

Don't do it, girl. Things don't always go your way and other people usually make things worse but don't let it get to you. Chillax.

I know how you feel. Ever since I became a vegetarian, I get crap form everyone, especailly people I thought would support me. Just flip them off. Hey- it's better than cutting.

Peace out
i remember being 14...not fun. Things get better once ya get older. Thank you for the comment :)
HEY!!! DON'T CUT!!!! THAT IS THE DUMBEST THING YOU COULD EVER DO!!!!!! PLEASE DON'T!!! DON'T BE LIKE ME!!! what is wrong?! talk to me if you want!! my email is and my aim sn is lilkrazierikan06 please talk 2 me!!! dont cut!!!


aww, thanx hun. ur SO sweet! MEGA sweet, lol. and if I ever feel like it, I will talk 2 you! hey, where do u live, lol..n ur NOt corny, lol


yea, im trying to stop...but yea, thank you! hope you have a better day now, lol.


well good! but you shouldnt! i have done it for 4 years, i stopped for a bit but i picked it baq up..i know, look who is talking rite, lol, but i am quitting ya know...well cant wait 4 ur email, lol. cya hun. ::huggz:: hope that helps, lol.


that's good cause i was about to slap you...i'll still tell you my secret just so you don't change your mind!!!!
if you need someone to talk to i'm always here you don't need to cute....if you want i can show you one of my secrets that i'm not proud of.... please don't cut tashie you'll regret it's better to talk!! ok? call me whenever you want ESPECIALLY if it's in the middle of the night but DON'T cut! call me after school ok?? i love a friend oh by the way the anonymous not was from me! luv ya lots lylas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aww, your VERY welcome, just..promise me you won't cut hun. PLEASE don't, it is SO stupid!! I <3 YOU!!!!


Hey Natasha trust me cuttin is not the anwser I use 2 do that in 7th grade I use 2 wear black b/c I thought it expresed how I feel dark. I have thought about suicide many timez and I still do but I know now that life gets better after highschool and middle school we should enjoy our youth even though I barely enjoy mine my life's a mess 2 but cutting is not the anser trust me it only numbs the pain it doesn't make it go away!