Who I Like At My School...

Feeling: eager
People at school always ask me who I like and I always say no one at this school. But for some reason everyoen says I'd lok good with Dillan....they say Dillan lieks me and I should like him back. That's just freaky how people can say that...Dillan is in all of my classes and towards the beginning of the year I barely talked to him...u see he is my friends (once best friend but things change) he is her cousin....and so I always used to ignore him because I was hanging with his cousin all the time....yea so all of a sudden he found out I loved LOTR then he would say he liked it too...then He would make fun of it and say stuff like Elijah doesn't deserve to live....Tolkien's books are a waste of good paper...good wood...speaking of wood Elijah Wood should die...I'd freak and tell him to get off my back and he said he is kidding he just likes my reaction....He still does that but everytime he does it now I've gotten so used to it it seems pretty lame....and I try not to laugh...and in December we were on a field trip to see a play of a christmas carol and everyone started yelling oh my gosh Dillan admitted it....and I'm liek wut the....and there like yea he just said he likes you and then I'm like no he didn't and Emily said I'll ask him and she did and then I heard his voice yell out Yes Just Leave Me Alone!!! Haha I couldn't help but laugh that was fffuuuuuunnnnnyyyy!!! So anyway yea then afterward he tended to ignore me and I didn't care and then he started talking again......I would talk back and act like that day never came which is okay with me....and then just this week before vacation in english everyone was asking him who he likes and he wouldn't tell and everytime (cause im good at eavesdropping) hes done talking I look up at him and hes looking at me....FrEaKy!!! Yea so then all of a sudden he turned to me and asked wut Mariah told me...I said wut do u mean he said Mariah said she told me something it had to do with him and she wouldn't tell him....I didn't know wut he was talking about...i asked Mariah and she said she just felt liek saying it and Dillan took it seriously so people are saying he likes me but I heard him say he kidna lieks Danielle but Danielle says he lieks me cuz he is always talking to me and whenever I fool aroudn asking for free cards he gives some to me he snuck me the most expensive card and always tries to get my attention by saying mean stuff about LOTR and DOE...yea so there we go....and who I like....i still don't think I liek anyone...but people are trying to tell me that I like him and I'm all like no way you can't just tell me who I like so yea thats that....I thought you all should know...(notice I didn't say y'all liek some hillbilly it remind sme of my Evil Stepmom Traci from Kansas) :-P .:.:VaNeSsA:.:.
Read 4 comments
I fucking hate people who do that...
"Who do you fancy in this school"
Nobody! I hate everybody at this fucking school!
Sorry ill cool down now *breathes deeply*
Like the name, by the way, reminds me of some brilliant diary on here :P.

heyy how did u get the starrs as ur background?
Hey, I cant believe you like me! Ive liked you for the longest time to! Ill talk to you at school :-*
um u spelt breaks wrong ha ha and u dr.phil u be sure to always wear a condom too *wink*


haha you spelled "spelt" wrong!